
Fifteenth annual Festa Italiana set for July 16-18

For the 15th consecutive year the Italian American Community Center will feature its Festa Italiana. There will be a variety of programs ranging from international entertainment, great Italian food and activities for young and old. The Festa Italiana will run July 16, 17 and 18 on the grounds of the IACC on Manitou Road in Gates.

In pursuit of its mission, the Festa Italiana will offer the Italian American community highlights of Italy’s musical heritage and Italian culture with popular Italian American artists, including Pino Gioia, one of Italy’s most renowned performers. Concerts will include “Direct from Las Vegas” with Suzanne Goulet in a tribute to Liza Minelli, and local favorite NOVA featuring Franco Ciffa. The Formula Band will also perform a party and dance set in the evening. Coupe DeVilles will return by popular demand on Saturday night with “Smoking Blues” to close the festival.

Admission at the door is $5 for adults and free for ages 16 and under accompanied by an adult.

For more information check the website at www.iaccrochester.org.

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