
2020 Conservation Tree and Shrub Program launched

Spring will be here before you know it. To help you prepare for spring, the Monroe County Soil and Water Conservation District has released their Conservation Tree and Shrub species list for the spring of 2020. The District has been hosting this annual program for 44 years and distributed 15,680 New York native and naturalized trees and shrubs to over 200 landowners last year alone.

The District is helping communities green up the environment. Property owners will have the opportunity to pre-order more than 24 different species of bare-root conifers, hardwood trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and groundcovers, as well as seed mixes and other products used for conservation projects.

The District added five new tree and shrubs, two new tree packs, and a new seed mix to the 2020 program, giving landowners even more options to choose from. Some of these new items include Black Walnut, Eastern Redbud, a wild berry tree pack, a cover crop seed mix, and more. By planting these native plants you can increase wildlife habitat, provide a windbreak, reduce erosion, and help create habitat for pollinators. Check out all the benefits of these and our other selections by visiting the online catalog at www.monroecountyswcd.org.

The Conservation Tree and Shrub Program is a pre-order program with an ordering deadline of March 6, 2020. There is a limited availability for plant stock, so order early is recommended to ensure your needs can be met.

The distribution of the plant material will occur at the Monroe County ecopark on April 23 and 24, 2020 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be a first come, first serve overstock sale on April 25, 2020 from 9 to 11 a.m. where trees can be purchased without being preordered. 

Please note that many of the tree species come as young, small rooted clumps – the program does not sell full-grown trees. Once planted, the small seedlings should take to the soil and grow leaves once spring arrives.

Those interested in this program can find the order form and full color catalog on the District’s website, www.monroecountyswcd.org. Any questions can be directed to the Monroe County Soil and Water Conservation District, 753-7380, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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