
Spencerport Teachers Association endorses Urban-Suburban program

The Executive Council of the Spencerport Teachers’ Association voted unanimously in support of the implementation of the Urban-Suburban program in the Spencerport Central School District.

In a press release, STA President John Kozlowski announced the full endorsement, saying, “Our teachers believe without question that the implementation of this program will greatly enhance the educational experience of our students by providing them with an opportunity to interact and learn with students from different races and socio-economic backgrounds. Additionally, Urban-Suburban will better equip our students to function and succeed in the ever changing global community that is the 21st century.”

Kozlowski stated that their official decision was reached after the STA Executive Council conducted its own independent and thorough review of the program, which included:

•Association meetings at all of six school buildings to discuss U-S with teachers and engage their feedback;
•Additional opportunities and time for teachers to submit input individually to their STA building representative;
•Obtaining 100% response from teacher associations within the seven participating U-S districts on their firsthand experiences, observations and recommendations; and
•Dialogue around establishing an effective selection process with involvement of district teachers, to ensure success of Spencerport students and U-S students.

Kozlowski said, “The teachers in Spencerport have listened to the different views expressed during the process to consider the Urban-Suburban program, yet we all understand the need and commitment to provide the best learning environment and educational experience for our students. We want to provide Spencerport and Urban-Suburban students with opportunities together to excel academically and socially in their growth to become our future leaders.”

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