Local Concerns

Town of Clarkson, Mr. Jerry Underwood

I have been reading the news about Mr. Jerry Underwood with great concern. About 15 years ago (estimated date) I applied for the position of Deputy Town Clerk. A month later a gentleman from the Planning Board contacted me, it appears I was extremely qualified, but I was a registered Democrat so the decision was not to interview me even though the criteria was to be a resident of the Town of Clarkson not a registered Republican. He suggested I contact a lawyer as this was grounds for discrimination based on my political affiliation; at this point I decided I did not want to work for a government organization. Mr. Underwood elected to donate his salary to the Seymour Library because they were going to have to reduce their hours. I hope our Town Board can look themselves in the mirror when the library has to reduce their hours. We expect Washington to come together and be bi-partisan, it starts at the local level. What you did to Mr. Underwood is called bullying.

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